Ganglia Architecture and Module Development

Architecture and Module Development

monitoring suite consists of three main parts: gmond, gmetad and


The ganglia monitoring
daemon (gmond) is a lightweight service that is installed on every
machine you'd like to monitor. This daemon uses a simple
listen/announce protocol via XDR to collect monitoring state and
then shares this information via XML over TCP. Gmond is portable
and collects dozens of system metrics: CPU, memory, disk, network
and process data.


The ganglia meta daemon
(gmetad) is a service that collects data from other gmetad and
gmond sources and stores their state to disk in indexed
round-robin databases. Gmetad provides a simple query mechanism
for collecting specific information about groups of machines.
Gmetad supports hierarchical delegation for creating manageable
monitoring domains.


The ganglia metric tool
is a commandline application that you can use to inject custom
made metrics about hosts that are being monitored by ganglia. It
has the ability to spoof messages as coming from a different host
in case you want to capture and report metrics from a device where
you don't have gmond running (like a network or other embedded


The ganglia stat tool is
a commandline application that you can use to query a gmond for
metric information directly.


The ganglia web frontend
expresses the data stored by gmetad in a graphical web interface
using PHP.

Fig. Ganglia
Architecture in Cluster Mode

Ganglia-web Extension

of the "
graph handlers"
are stored in the ../
directory, where "ganglia"
is the top-level directory used by the webserver to publish the
various Ganglia webpages. Ganglia ships with
general handler for
five basic reports,
and one heavily commented
    • The
      default layout of ganglia-web and default view of graphs can be
      modified according our need. For that we just need to modify some
      PHP code.
    • Uses
      presentation templates so that the web site “look

      and feel” can be easily customized.
    modify ../ganglia/templates/defaults/*.tpl

    - Adding Custom Reports
    It is possible to add new custom reports, without making any changes to the “Official” Ganglai PHP code. Adding new report is a four step process.
    1. All reports should be contained in a single PHP file with the name "reportName_report.php" in the
    graph.d/ directory. Obviously, replace "reportName" with something suitable.
    2. The *_report function should return an associative array that contains a number of specifically named
    variables example:$series,$title,$vertical_label etc.
    3. Within this file, you must have a PHP function called "reportName_report" that takes a single array argument that is passed by reference (not by value!). The function definition for this will look something like this:
function temperature_report ( &$rrdtool_graph ) {
    $rrdtool_graph['vertical_label'] = 'Temperature (C)';
    $rrdtool_graph['title']          = 'CPU Temeratures';
    $rrdtool_graph['series']         = "... very long set of RRD tool RPN commands...";
    4. Edit the $optional_graphs variable in the conf.php file to include the base name of your new report.
    Thus, if the function name is reportName_report, and the PHP file is "reportName_report.php", include
    only "reportName" in the $optional_graphs array.
$optional_graphs = array('packets', 'reportName');
Sample report to view cpu user
function graph_demo_report ( &$rrdtool_graph ) {
global $cpu_user_color,
$rrdtool_graph['title'] ='==Demo Report==';
$rrdtool_graph['vertical-label'] = '==Demo Report==';

$series ="DEF:'cpu_user'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_user.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE "
. "AREA:'cpu_user'#$cpu_user_color:'==CPU User==' ";
$rrdtool_graph['series'] = $series;
return $rrdtool_graph;

Gmond Matrix Gathering Agent Extension
- Gmetric – Out-of-process utility capable of invoking command line based metric gathering scripts
- Loadable modules capable of gathering multiple metrics or using advanced metric gathering APIs
Gmond Pluggable Metric Modules Development
- Using C
- Using Python

Using Python
- Extends the available metrics that can be gathered by Gmond
- Provided as dynamically loadable modules
- Configured through the gmond.conf
- Scheduled through Gmond rather than an external scheduler
- Module development is similar to an Apache module
- Able to produce multiple metrics from a single module
Each module must contain three mandatory functions
- Called once at module initialization time
- Must return a metric description dictionary or list of dictionaries
- Any other module initialization can also take place here
- may have multiple handlers
- Metric gathering handler
- Must return a single data value of the same type as specified in the metric_init() function
- Called once at module termination time
  • Does
    not return a value
Curve_Max = 15
v = int(1)
inc = int(1)
count = 0

def metric_init(params):
global Curve_Max

if ‘CurveMax’ in params:
Curve_Max = int(params[‘CurveMax’])

d = {‘name’: ‘Curve_Metric’,
‘call_back’: curve_handler,
‘time_max': int(60),
‘value_type’: ‘uint’,
‘units’: ‘Seconds’,
‘slope’: ‘both’,
‘format’: ‘%u’,
‘Shows a uniform curve’}

return d
def curve_handler(name):
global v,count,inc,Curve_Max
v += inc
count += 1
if count > Curve_Max:
count = 0
inc = -inc

return int(v)

def metric_cleanup():
Gmond Python Module Deployment
- Copy the .py file to python directory specified in gmond.conf file put in gmond.conf
modules {
module {
name = "python_module"
path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/"
params = "/usr/lib/ganglia/python_modules"

    - Define the metric to collection group for this module
- Restart gmond


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